At St. Robert Parish, we take seriously our role as stewards of all God has entrusted to us.
As we seek to live like Jesus Christ -- the perfect steward -- we believe that sharing the treasure God has given to us is fundamental to who we are as Christian stewards and disciples of Christ.
These are some of the easy ways to give:

Share Your Treasure Online
One-time & recurring donations can be made via our website. To give electronically, please click here.

Share Your Treasure by Mail
Please make your check payable to “St. Robert Parish" and mail to 2243 Irvin Way, Sacramento, CA, 95822. If your donation is for a particular ministry or event, please note that in the memo field.

Share Your Treasure by Stock, Mutual Fund or Other Assets
If you would like to make a donation to St. Robert Parish by giving stock, mutual funds, or other assets, please contact the parish office at (916) 451-1475 or for more information.

Share Your Treasure from Your IRA
Federal law allows people age 70½ or older to make direct transfers up to $100,000 per year per person to charitable organizations from their IRA, without the withdrawal being treated as taxable income. Please contact the parish office at (916) 451-1475 or for more information.

Share Your Treasure in Your Will
Whether you would like to leave a gift to St. Robert Parish in your will or give an annuity, please contact the parish office at (916) 451-1475 or for more information.

Matching Gifts
Many companies will match charitable gifts given by their employees -- sometimes more than doubling your contribution. Often times, companies will only match to an educational institution, like St. Robert's school ministry. Check your company’s policy to see if they have a matching program.